Thursday, January 10, 2008

{ Concord, NH } PTPD.

I was warned about Post Traumatic Primary Disorder (PTPD). No symptoms yet...

Well the national eye has turned elsewhere. The crazy politicos from NYC, Japan, Denmark, Nevada, Jersey, Vermont, and Timbuktu have left New Hampshire and finally the real Concord emerges. I feel like I walked out of a crazy dream.

I arrived during a blizzard and jumped directly into the extremely dramatic apex of months of political action. Now the snow melts and the campaign signs that spent weeks stuck in roadside snow banks find themselves muddy and broken in the way of traffic.

The 13 hour days are over. I can stop drinking 3 day old Mountain Dew I find in my car to make it through the next rally. I find myself asking, where did all of this energy come from? Because it was not the Dew. Even though I thought so at the time. Something I hadn't felt since I was a fireman.

The national attention? The amazing Monitor staff? Dan Habib's endless positive energy? Preston and Lori cranking out great photos like it is there job. It is, I know. Running into Danny Wilcox Frasier, Chris Morris, and Todd Heisler at daily assignments?

I found myself sponging up anything I could find, NPR, the Monitor, NYT, Time and so on. Polls, Analysis just plain getting mentally involved.

It truly was an amazing way to kick of an internship at an amazing place.

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